October 16, 2009

Sending you a smile

Someone recently asked why I would spend time making cards and sending them out. Most of the time, I made them for special occasions like birthday and graduation. Every so often though, I made cards just because I wanted to.

Just because I want to send a smile on its way to a friend or a family. =)

October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday - Again

This is one of the first cards I made and it obviously has a lot of room for improvement! For one, the colour combination is rather awful because I didn't have much at my disposal back then. It went to the first friend I made when I started college. We recently got back in touch, though we haven't met in a long long time! Like family, old friends are people who will always have a place in our hearts no matter how far apart we are from each other.

Let's see, when is the best time during the year to visit Canada? Any idea?

And I just might drop by Phoenix, AZ too, YH! =)

October 14, 2009

Bon voyage

A good friend recently flew to the UK to begin her graduate studies. She has thought hard and long before taking the big step to follow her heart. Sometimes, all we need is just that little bit of courage to...




After all, the future depends on what we do in the present (M. Gandhi).

Have a great time in the UK, WP! =)

October 13, 2009

Thinking of anyone?

I have been thinking of some friends lately. Each of the above cards has gone to one of them.

Are you thinking of someone too?

How about turning your thoughts into some actions?

October 12, 2009

A friend is a gift

Have you told your friends lately how much they mean to you?

Make a card, send it out, and rekindle an old friendship.

Cheers to all the great friends in my life!

You know who you are & I thank you for your friendships. =)

October 11, 2009


Are you living your life with passion and vision?

October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

These are some of the birthday cards I have made so far. I hope they can inspire you in some ways. I am still rather amateur in card-making, so my cards are pretty simple in designs and techniques, but it's the thought that counts nonetheless.

October 9, 2009

Missing you

Welcome to Heartmade Cards!

Instead of starting with the very first card I have made, I decided to begin this blog with the latest.

This card carries a lot of meaning because it is dedicated to my late mother who was a breast cancer warrior. It is fitting also because October is the Breast Cancer Awareness month. It doesn't have the symbolic pink ribbon on it because I don't have any, and pink isn't exactly my favourite colour. But the remembrance is there nonetheless.

This card is also made for one of the bravest breast cancer warriors I know. She is currently recovering from her recent relapse, and I hope this will cheer her on.

A tribute to all the breast cancer warriors!